The Police and old arrest figures – Northamptonshire

RE: The varied impacts of changes in policing policy in a county – our service appears no longer needed. June 2013

Northants      male vic        f male vic          Male arrest    female arrest

2003 – 2004         4159    6031 2 1

2004 – 2005         4305 6259 8 2               

2005-2006           4643        6916 1518 579         

2009 -10              516 2055 1838 313                 

2010 -11              534 2090 1827 297                

2011 -12              609 2131 1413 253                 

Against this in 2006  the Northamptonshire police were called to 4,700 cases where a man was the victim, and 6,900 cases where a woman was the victim.

In 1995 females were “responsible” for only 4.9% of DV, they are now only responsible for at least 20% of DV, or as it is now more often called inter-personal violence, IPV.

Women’s Aid trumpet about “coercive control” – being a male only domain – a pro-feminist American professor, Michael P Johnson’s research demonstrated 7 men per thousand being ”coercive controllers” – intimate terrorists was the term he used, and 5 women per thousand being coercive controllers.  Only a very small number of the police figures above will be coercive controllers, but the proportions of those original figures for police attendance are remarkably similar!

But from 2006 onwards the Northamptonshire police policy of arresting someone whenever possible now means that in the Nrthants area “7/10” men to whom they are now called get arrested and 1 in 4 women. This has no doubt born a great deal of budget saving fruit, but perhaps at the expense of some very disgruntled men! Calls by men have dwindled to about 300 from nearly 5,000, and calls from women have dwindled from nearly 7,000 to about 2,000.

Providing a safe place, a refuge, during times of crisis is obviously sensible. Encouraging / forcing separation, again according to Johnson’s figures, leads to an exponential increase in “coercive control / intimate terrorism involving up to 22% of separated men and 4.9%  of separated women. i.e it creates not far short of a “war zone”.  Why is that? Well, if men are prepared to give their lives for their country might they not also be prepared to fight very hard to keep all that is near and dear to them?  Would we not expect any animal to fight very hard to protect it’s offspring?

Be that as it may, our recruitment in Northamptonshire has fallen to such a low level now that no further regular service is viable and the few people that now seek the service could attend in Birmingham or North London, both within an hour’s drive or train journey from Northampton.

We would be pleased if GPs Councillors, Counsellors and MP’s would inform anyone attending your surgeries needing this service of that fact.

PS An amazingly misrepresentative article of male violence appeared in the Daily Mail. Article and comment linked

Letter to the Chronicle and Echo, Kettering 31st December 2012

Domestic Violence

Dear Sirs,

We should like to congratulate the Northamptonshire police on the effectiveness of their arrest policy. In 2004-005 the Kettering police were called out 724 times to a female victim.and 493 times to a male victim. They arrested virtually nobody.  In 2005-6 they were called respectively to 803  female victims  and 496 male victims  and arrested, as far as one can tell, 79 women and 195 men.

In 2011-12 they were called to 273 female victims and arrested (presumably) 163 men and were called to  88 male victims and arrested (presumably) 34 women. It is obviously much easier to arrest a man than a woman.

Those figures would tend to suggest that violence to woman by men has dropped to about 1 /3 of its 2005-6 levels and violence by women to men is now at about 1/6th  of the  2005-6 level.

But in an equal society why is it that “ 4 out of 5”  men are arrested and only “1 in 2” women? 

Why is it that according to NSPCC statistics girls are more at risk of abuse by their mother (more than 50% more!)  than their father and boys are rather more at risk of abuse by their father than their mother?

In the laudable strategy of “preventing violence to women and girls”  girls are “left” with their mother, who is more likely to their abuser and boys are separated from her!

Working effectively with abusers, both males and females