
Temper Domestic Violence delivers the “Heart of England Model”  which is based on emotional regulation (the development of insight and 3 forms of empathy), behaviour changes, domestic violence within the dynamics of couple relationships and the impacts of violence and abuse  on children of the family.  The work is open to both men and women in any variation of couple relationship.

The work is highly intensive, therapeutically informed, conducted in groups no larger than 8, delivered by a male and female facilitator at weekends so that it is easily accessible by people in work.

We stopped delivering work in Northampton in 2012, having completed work there with about 400 men and women.


More than 90% of men and more than 95% of many fewer women complete the work 100%.

We have never had enough finance to complete research into longer-term outcomes. However, the clinical psychology team which produced a report for social services into, from our point of view, a random client wrote this,  linked here.

Over the years at least 11 children with Social Services involvement from the little Northamptonshire town of Daventry (Pop. 71k approx.) have been placed with parents we have worked with!

As an example our completion statistics for 2015 are here.