Four kinds of intimate partner violence and the prevalence of each.
Michael P Johnson’s statistics:
Archer and Graham Kevan’s statistics.
Whats wrong with what is on offer?
1998 The Joseph Rowntree Foundation funded research into the DVIP
2011 Dr Louise Dixon’s call for the abandonment of Respect accreditation.
2012 The Centre For Social Justice call for a fresh start to be made with “perpetrator work”
2013 The Washington particularly p6
2013 The Washington State full paper
2014 The Ministry of Justice paper.
2015 The Mirabal Project
Illustrated very poor completion rates from 4 programmes running at least 7 projects.
2016 The Early Intervention Centre
However, NICE did find moderate evidence that short (16 weeks or less) group interventions improved measures of changes in attitudes, including: motivation/ readiness to change, accountability for abuse, and demonstrating empathy. Examples of psychological outcomes include measures of: anxiety, self-esteem, depression, and stress immediately following the intervention. 4.4.4 Promising areas for further development The debate about the “Duluth” model is a very good example of the tensions between the requirements of evaluation on the one hand and the locally variable and the self-generated approaches of much local practice on the other. Much of the current provision of protection and treatment for victims of domestic violence and 130 Ibid., pg. 6 131 NICE Op. Cit p. 15 Early Intervention in Domestic Violence & Abuse Early Intervention Foundation 71 abuse that is available in the UK has been developed by volunteers and other very committed individuals and groups with a strong concern to help victims but little formal training in or funds for evaluation. The finding that perpetrator programmes based solely in feminist theory do not reduce recidivism is an important signal that more should be done